Online events programme

Our programme of workshops and webinars brings The Code community together. Code Signatories can learn and share best practice, improving our collective knowledge and understanding to maximise our impact.

The Code also hosts an annual in person event, Tomorrow's Engineers Live. Find out more.

Science Experiment

Upcoming workshops

Working together to deliver high quality engineering and technology outreach with Neon and The Code

Tuesday 16 July 2024, 14:00-15:00

Join Dan Powell, Head of Neon at EngineeringUK, and Cat Sturman, Senior Code Manager at EngineeringUK, to understand how your organisation could benefit from being both a Signatory of The Code community and a contributor to the Neon platform, and how you can work with others to collectively raise the quality of engineering and technology outreach and inspire young people into careers in the sector.

For Code Signatories, this is an opportunity to learn more about how promoting your outreach activities on Neon will help you meet The Code pledges and reach more schools and young people from groups currently underrepresented in the sector.

For Neon contributors, you'll learn about how becoming part of The Code community will enable you to connect, collaborate and share best practice with other organisations who are also delivering engineering and technology outreach activities.

We will be joined by a special guest from an organisation which is both a Code Signatory and Neon contributor and you'll get the opportunity to ask them questions about their experience, as well asking Dan and Cat about anything Code and Neon related and how they interlink.


Code members will receive more information via email. Sign up to The Code to get access to this workshop.

Watch past workshops