Tomorrow's Engineers
Tomorrow’s Engineers, part of EngineeringUK, helps Code Signatories get the most from their activities with information and guidance drawn from across the engineering community.
Scroll down to see which resources on Tomorrow's Engineers can help you meet the 4 pledges.

Delivering inspiration activities
This section of Tomorrow's Engineers includes resources that are useful for meeting the Inspiring Connection pledge.
- Tomorrow's Engineers careers resources
- EngineeringUK top tips for delivering engineering activities
- CEC and STEM Learning guide to supporting STEM education

Equality, diversity and inclusion
There are many resources in this section that will help you work towards the pledge about Driving Inclusion.
- EngineeringUK EDI Criteria
- EngineeringUK webinar recording: EDI considerations in engineering engagement activity
- EngineeringUK webinar recording: Making engineering engagement content inclusive
- EngineeringUK Inclusive & Accessible Events Guide
- Engineering UK Demographic Data Question Bank

Careers inspiration
The Showcasing Engineering pledge can be delivered really well with the resources from Tomorrow's Engineers careers inspiration pages.

Research and evaluation
The research and evaluation section on Tomorrow's Engineers has lots of resources to help you with the Improving Impact pledge.

More guidance
You can also take a look at a guide to implementing the Code's 4 pledges, by Code Signatory NUSTEM.
Submit your own resources
As a Code Signatory you can also share your own resources with the community by submitting content to Tomorrow's Engineers.